As July is about to end, I thought that I would share my favorite things from this mouth. So enjoy!
1. Grace & Frankie
So, I discovered Grace & Frankie while going though Netflix trying to find something to watch. Do you ever do this when your trying to find something desperately good to watch? Me too, but I normally just give up and find a movie that I have seen a billion and one times.
Anyway, after I watched the first episode of Grace & Frankie I was hooked! I watched it all in 2 days. The series is extremely funny, It's unique as well. No story like it has been in other shows. I cannot wait for series 2!
If you want to know what Grace & Frankie is about, here is a summary that I'd
And because I'm really nice, here is the trailer!
2. Slushies
So, as you are properly well aware if you live in the UK that there was a heatwave in the UK. And July has been really hot everyday. A local shop near to me started selling slushies and it has been a lifesaver.
They taste really nice and they are a good treat to cool yourself down with!
3. Samsung slim external DVD drive
As you know if you read my blog post from a couple of days ago my DVD drive in my laptop broke. I order this of Amazon, for something like £16.99 and I works perfectly! Thank god for Amazon right?
4. Spooks

Anyway Spooks is about people who work for MI5. Trying to save the country from all kinds of threats. This is basically a British rip-of of 24. Expect that Spooks started development before 24.
Here is another borrowed summary from Google: "A team of agents in the British security intelligence service work to protect the UK from terrorists and other threats to national security. Harry Pearce, head of MI-5's counterterrorism section based in the highly secure suite of offices called The Grid, oversees them and deals with the often dirty politics of the spy game."
So there was my favorites for this mouth. I hope you enjoyed it!
I shall see you tomorrow in August.