Hello everyone!
So, as I have now finished secondary school (high school) and been enjoying a extended summer holiday for the past 8 weeks, I though't that I would share with you what I have learned from secondary school. I'm also doing this as school as came into my mind again, as I have to pick up my GCSE results in 2 weeks time!
Anyway here is 30 lessons that I have learned from secondary school.
1. Never let somebody borrow your pens/pencils. Even if they are the nicest person in the world, they probably won't give it back to you.
2. No matter how much pens you have, you will lose them all within a week. Same with the rest of your stationary.
3. People are assholes.
4. You will most likely be criticized if your different in anyway. It's funny, that in 2015, people still criticize people who are different. If you dress in a different way, or like different things, you will be criticized for it.
5. If a teacher say's a piece of homework can't be done in one night. They are lying. Anything can been done in one night.
6. Got a 500 word essay to write? It can be done in one night. It will be shit, but it can be done in a night.
7. Revision is rather pointless. It just goes through one ear and out of the other.
8. Every day dragggggggggggggggs on while a school.
9. If you hate school, like me, you will probably be counting down the days until you have a holiday or until you leave for good. 192 days, 191 days, 190 days, and so on.
10. Food from school canteens are:
1. Shit.
2. Overpriced.
11. At lot of the stuff teachers banged on about, was never important, and will never be in my later life.
You don't know how to do your taxes? Well at least you Pythagoras theorem. You use that skill ALL THE TIME, right?
12. School's need to teach more important stuff, such as buying a house/car, taxes and how banks work. Not pointless stuff that "you need to know when your doing _____ or _____."
13. Did I mention that people are assholes?
14. While at school, a minute feels like a hour. A hour feels like a Day, and a day feels like a year.
15. Music like really helps to speed the day along.
16. Doodling in books helps to.
17. A lot of teachers are assholes as well.
18. In 2015 there are still clique's. It's not as defined but it's still there.
Here are some of the clique's at my old school.
- The Hipsters. They love Festivals, alcohol, alternative music, cigarettes, drugs, weird clothing that make's them look like there grandparents and posh boys/girls.
- The Sluts. They love dick.
- The Man-whores. They love pussy and tits. They also love to talk about all
52 2 people they have had sex with.
- The Chavs. They love smoking, drugs and pissing of teachers. They will be going far in life, with there BTEC Level 1's in hairdressing and pluming.
- The Nerds. They love school, sucking up to teachers and nerdy things.
- People in smaller groups: they like not even worth talking about, they are like nobodys!!!11111
- And finally. People with no groups. Good for you! You like doing your own thing.
Before people ask, I was not in any group. Also no group was ever like the plastics of anything.
19. Energy drinks will get you through any day.
20. 99% of people didn't listen in sex education. As clearly shown when somebody gets chlamydia or gets pregnant at 16. #ilistenedinsexed
21. You will forget every single thing your learned in school as soon as you leave.
"Hitler? Like who even."
22. Once you leave school, you will stop talking to people who were your friends. Sad but true.
23. When not paying attention to a teacher, and they decide ask you a question, as they know you not paying attention. Just say that your can't remember the answer or just guess.
24. You heart beats like a million beats a second when somebody asks:
"Did you do the homework?"
Me: What.
What Homework.
"It was set last mouth."
25. This. So true it hurts.
26. Sometimes, when the day was just insufferable, I would think: "Maybe if I bang my head hard enough on this desk, I could knock myself out."
27. People are annoying.
"You saw your friend yeasterday, stop fucking screaming."
"OMG move!"
"You walk so slowwwwwwwww."
28. Me when I had enough of the annoying peoples bs.
29. Monday to Friday = drags on and are so slow. Saturday and Sunday = goes so fast.
Like what even.
I demand to speak to the professor of life. EXPLAIN THIS TO ME!
30. What ever stuff your going through while at school...
...It will all be alright in the end, trust me. And if you can't wait to leave, keep counting down the days, I will come soon! :)
So there you go! I hope you enjoyed this post. If I have overused GIFS, I'm sorry!